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  • Rise Leadership Summit for Women

Rise Leadership Summit for Women


Join us for a transformative experience that bridges the essence of embodied business, feminine leadership, and somatic coaching. Elevate your voice, harness your power, and embark on a journey to flourish in both your personal and professional worlds.

March 21 (6-8pm) and March 22 (8:30am to 3:15pm).

The investment is $249, which includes two-day access to the summit, breakout sessions, meals, and a delightful gift bag.

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RISE is more than just an event – it’s a transformational journey!

Most women’s summits or conferences do not include the body in business! This will be a unique leadership summit in that it includes all women at all stages of life, personal and professional development. You will leave with concrete skills that you can use at home, in the community and in the workplace.

Topics include…

  • Embodiment
    Incorporating embodied business approaches to reduce stress, burnout, and distress
  • Skill Development
    Empowerment-focused leadership training for women
  • Connection
    Emphasizing women’s connections to self, others, and purpose
  • Resiliency
    Learning about financial, community and emotional resiliency skills
  • Self-Care
    Prioritizing both personal self-care and the collective care of womankind
  • Growth
    Overcoming barriers for women’s personal and professional advancement
  • Awareness
    Spotlighting issues causing workplace and community marginalization
  • Community
    Encouraging connections to uplift marginalized groups