A New Era of Feminine Leadership Awaits
Join us for a transformative experience that bridges the essence of embodied business, feminine leadership, and somatic coaching. Elevate your voice, harness your power, and embark on a journey to flourish in both your personal and professional worlds.
Why RISE: Chapel Hill?
RISE is more than just an event - it’s a transformational journey!
Most women’s summits or conferences do not include the body in business! This will be a unique leadership summit in that it includes all women at all stages of life, personal and professional development. You will leave with concrete skills that you can use at home, in the community and in the workplace.
Topics include...

A New Era of Feminine Leadership Awaits
Join us for a transformative experience that bridges the essence of embodied business, feminine leadership, and somatic coaching. Elevate your voice, harness your power, and embark on a journey to flourish in both your personal and professional worlds.
Why RISE: Chapel Hill?
RISE is more than just an event - it’s a transformational journey!
Most women’s summits or conferences do not include the body in business! This will be a unique leadership summit in that it includes all women at all stages of life, personal and professional development. You will leave with concrete skills that you can use at home, in the community and in the workplace.
Topics include...
The Rise Embodied Leadership Summit for Women was created to educate, elevate, and connect women to their fullest potential.
When & Where
The summit will take place at Chapel Hill Country Club on March 21st and 22nd.
March 21 (6-8 PM)
Reception & Registration
March 22 (8:00 AM to 3:15 PM)
Summit Day
The investment is $249, which includes two-day access to the summit, breakout sessions, meals, and a delightful gift bag.
The Rise Embodied Leadership Summit for Women was created to educate, elevate, and connect women to their fullest potential.
When & Where
The summit will take place at Chapel Hill Country Club on March 21st and 22nd.
March 21 (6-8 PM)
Reception & Registration
March 22 (8:00 AM to 3:15 PM)
Summit Day
The investment is $249, which includes two-day access to the summit, breakout sessions, meals, and a delightful gift bag.
What Is Purpose Of The Summit?
Embodied Leadership is the new way of doing business and fostering leadership in our communities. Embodiment refers to the idea of fully inhabiting the fullest expression of ourselves in the world. When we are embodied, we are able to show up fully in our work and our lives, and tap into our true potential as individuals.
For entrepreneurs and leaders, embodiment is crucial for creating a business and a life that feels authentic and aligned with our values and purpose. When we are connected to our true selves we have better health outcomes, decrease in stress and burnout and overall happier in our relationships.
With 89% of people in the workforce experiencing some level of burnout in the last month, addressing mental & physical health in the workplace and community has become inescapable. Our workforce is evolving and in need of change. Our companies and communities are looking to gather and work in ways that respect the mind body connection. We know that women are more negatively impacted by the effects of chronic stress and burnout than men. Giving women concrete skills on how to elevate their voice, harness their power and increase their skill set will have a positive impact on our local community and businesses.
Scheduled Speakers
The following is a list of the speakers scheduled for this event. Keep an eye on this space, as additional speakers are announced.

Keynote Speaker
Dr. Audrea Caesar
Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer, UNC Health
The Perfect Storm: How the last few years have been a perfect storm for women’s health and well-being and how to make the cultural changes needed for women to succeed and be healthy.

Introduction of Keynote Speaker by the Mayor of Chapel Hill
Jess Anderson
Mayor, Chapel Hill

Carena Lemons J.D.
Lemons Law Firm
Mistress of Ceremonies

Lauren McLaughlin
Founder of Conscious Strongâ„¢
Reception Sponsor

Paige Stapleton
Paige Stapleton Coaching
Breakfast Sponsor

Rebecca Dickenson
Vice President of Membership, The Chamber for a Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro
Building Community Panel Discussion

Sophia Munson, Esq.
Munson Law Firm
Estate Planning and Business Succession Planning--What Every Woman Needs To Know

Tina Clossick
VP Community Impact, Coastal Credit Union
Erin Spencer
Founder & CEO, Edgebooke Lane Consulting
Pay Equity, Transparency & Negotiation Tactics

Amy Pruitt
AP Creative Designs | Network In Action
Transforming Your Personal & Professional Brand

Rory Gillis
President, Triangle Digital Partners
Changing Self-Limiting Beliefs

Kathleen Fitzgerald
Licensed Professional Counselor
Staying Human in a World Full of Technology

Sarah Elder
Business Coach
Building Community Panel Discussion

Dr. Carmen Huerta-Bapat
UNC - The Curriculum in Global Studies
Combating Microaggressions in an Organizational Setting

Khalilah Slade, LCMHC
Research Triangle Counseling
Building Community Panel Discussion

Paula Scatoloni
CEO of Mind, Body, Heart Harmonics, LLC
Your Vibration Matters

Angela Mascenik
Certified Life Coach
Healthy Boundary Setting
Scheduled Speakers
The following is a list of the speakers scheduled for this event. Keep an eye on this space, as additional speakers are announced.
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Audrea Caesar
Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer, UNC Health
The Perfect Storm: How the last few years have been a perfect storm for women’s health and well-being and how to make the cultural changes needed for women to succeed and be healthy.

Introduction of Keynote Speaker by the Mayor of Chapel Hill
Jess Anderson
Mayor, Chapel Hill

Carena Lemons J.D.
Lemons Law Firm
Mistress of Ceremonies

Lauren McLaughlin
Reception Sponsor

Paige Stapleton
Breakfast Sponsor

Rebecca Dickenson
Vice President of Membership, The Chamber for a Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro

Sophia Munson, Esq.
Munson Law Firm
Estate Planning and Business Succession Planning--What Every Woman Needs To Know

Tina Clossick
VP Community Impact, Coastal Credit Union
Pay Equity, Transparency & Negotiation Tactics

Erin Spencer
Founder & CEO, Edgebrook Consulting
Pay Equity, Transparency & Negotiation Tactics

Amy Pruitt
AP Creative Designs | Network In Action
Transforming Your Personal & Professional Brand

Rory Gillis
President, Triangle Digital Partners
Changing Self-Limiting Beliefs

Kathleen Fitzgerald
Licensed Professional Counselor
Staying Human in a World Full of Technology

Sarah Elder
Business Coach
Building Community Panel Discussion

Dr. Carmen Huerta-Bapat
UNC - The Curriculum in Global Studies
Combating Microaggressions in an Organizational Setting

Khalilah Slade, LCMHC
Research Triangle Counseling
Building Community Panel Discussion

Paula Scatoloni
CEO of Mind, Body, Heart Harmonics, LLC
Your Vibration Matters

Angela Mascenik
Certified Life Coach
Healthy Boundary Setting

March 21: Reception & Registration
Starting at 6PM, enjoy drinks and hor d'oeuvres, learn about our breakout sessions, receive your gift bag, and foster connections with fellow attendees and our esteemed sponsors. This evening promises a blend of anticipation and camaraderie.
March 22: Summit Day
8:00-8:30: Arrival and Continental Breakfast
8:30-9:00: Opening Remarks/Welcome
9:00-9:15: Break
9:15-10:30: Workshop
10:30-10:45: Break
10:45-12:00: Workshop
12:00-1:15: Lunch & Keynote
1:15-1:30: Break
1:30-2:45: Workshop
2:45-3:15: Closing Remarks and Activity
Chapel Hill Country Club
103 Lancaster Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27517
March 21: Reception & Registration
Starting at 6PM, enjoy drinks and hor d'oeuvres, learn about our breakout sessions, receive your gift bag, and foster connections with fellow attendees and our esteemed sponsors.
March 22: Summit Day
8:00-8:30: Arrival and Continental Breakfast
8:30-9:00: Opening Remarks/Welcome
9:15-10:30: Workshop
10:30-10:45: Break
10:45-12:00: Workshop
12:00-1:15: Lunch & Keynote
1:15-1:30: Break
1:30-2:45: Workshop
2:45-3:15: Closing Remarks and Activity
Chapel Hill Country Club
103 Lancaster Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27517
Brand Ambassador Sponsors
Thanks to our sponsors for supporting women and the community...
Corporate Sponsors

Keynote Sponsor

Reception Sponsor

Breakfast Sponsor

Break-Out Session Sponsors

Kathleen Fitzgerald Counselling

Small Business Sponsors

Brand Ambassadors

Additional Details
More details, including a full speaker list, a full list of sponsors, and more will be posted soon. Please keep an eye on this space for more details.
Interested in Sponsorship?
For those interested in discussing sponsorship opportunities, please contact me.
Ready to Elevate Your Leadership Journey?
Embrace the power of embodiment, connect with like-minded women, and transform your personal and professional world. Seize this opportunity and RISE with us!
Pricing - $249
The investment in yourself is only $249 and it includes access to both days, everything listed above, meals, and even a delightful gift bag.
To register for the event, please complete the form below.
Check out Rise 2025!
If you would like to be notified about upcoming Soma & Soul events, please enter your name and email below:
Ready to Elevate Your Leadership Journey?
Embrace the power of embodiment, connect with like-minded women, and transform your personal and professional world. Seize this opportunity and RISE with us!
Pricing - $249
The investment in yourself is only $249 and it includes access to both days, everything listed above, meals, and even a delightful gift bag.
To register for the event, please complete the form below.
Check out Rise 2025!
If you would like to be notified about upcoming Soma & Soul events, please enter your name and email below: